Saturday, August 15, 2009

Honduran Civil Society Tour In Chicago - Building the Common Struggle -!Todos Somos Honduras!
The August 7-8 visit to Chicago of compas from the anti-golpe resistence in Honduras brought the truth about the situation to a variety of communities and to activists. The members of the delegation, who came to the US and spoke publically at great risk to their own safety, were able to speak with day-laborer organizations, students, immigrant rights organizations, religious leaders, solidarity activists, and community organizers from the diverse communities of Chicago. They were interviewed by local radio stations and journalists from the independent and alternative media in the city. The delegation, accompanied by local activists also visited the offices of Senators Durbin and Burris, who represent Illinois in the US Senate to follow up on previous visits and insist once again that the US government must stop its support for the golpista government and break all relations, stop all aid, and speak out against the human rights violations that are ongoing.

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