Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Conferencia de Prensa en Chicago - Stop the attacks against the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras

The message follows in English

Comunicado de Prensa La Voz de los de Abajo y Casa Morazan

A la Comunidad y Medios de Comunicación Nacional e Internacional

A pesar de los arrestos arbitrarios y la represión sistemática las protestas se han incrementado considerablemente, en tomas de carreteras, en los barios, en la capital y en muchas otras ciudades la represión, en vez de atemorizar a los manifestantes, les ha reafirmado su decisión de lucha. Ante eso reafirmamos que TODOS SOMOS HONDURAS.

La Voz de los de Abajo y Casa Morazan los invita a participar en el Acto de Solidaridad

Consulado General de Brasil en Chicago

401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611

Hora de 4:00pm a 5:00pm

1. Demandando el retorno inmediato a la institucionalidad y la restitución del Presidente José Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

2. Un alto a la represión y violaciones a los derechos humanos. Un respeto a la vida.

3. Alto a la militarización y empleo de armas químicas y electromagnéticas contra civiles.

4. Apoyamos la Resistencia Pacífica del Pueblo hondureño a través de Frente Nacional Contra el golpe de Estado.

5. Rechazamos y condenamos el proceso electoral como producto de un régimen de facto y apoyamos la voluntad soberana del pueblo a decidir su destino por medio de una asamblea nacional constituyente.

Nota: La carta entregada al Consulado de Brazil sigue en el ingles despues del comunicado en ingles.

Press Release: September 29, 2009

La Voz de los de Abajo and Casa Morazan Contact: Alexy J. Lanza (312) 656-8655

For Immediate Release

Honduran Crises Deepens

The Honduran crisis continues. The de facto government of Roberto Micheletti, installed by a military coup on June 28th, is threatening to invade the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa to seize the elected president of Honduras, Manual Zelaya Rosales who has been given sanctuary by the Brazilian government.

On September 27th, Micheletti announced that the Brazilian government has 10 days to surrender Zelaya or he will send in troops. Meanwhile the Honduran military and police are using chemical weapons, high decibel audio weapons and tear and pepper gas against the embassy, endangering the health and lives of its occupants and of the people who live in the surrounding buildings.

On September 27th the Micheletti government also signed a decree revoking the constitutional right to freedom of expression and expression in the country, but despite the arbitrary arrests, violence and repression, the protests continue to grow and the crises deepens daily.

Join La Voz de los de Abajo, Casa Morazan, and other concerned organizations in Chicago in an act of solidarity with the Honduran people and in defense of Brazilian solidarity with democracy in Honduras.

Brazilian Consulate in Chicago

401 North Michigan Avenue

Thursday, October 1st: 4:00pm a 5:00pm

We demand

· The immediate return of constitutionality and the restitution of President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

· An end to the militarization and the use of chemical, electromagnetic, and high decibel weaponry against the Brazilian embassy and the people’s peaceful protests.

· An immediate end to the repression and violations of human rights

We Support

· The peaceful resistance of the Honduran people through the National Front Against the Coup

· The rejection and condemnation by the Honduran resistance of the electoral process controlled by the de facto government and

· The sovereign right of the people to decide its destiny through a national constituent assembly.

Note: Below is a copy of the letter delivered to the Brazilian Consulate on October 1st.


La Voz de los de Abajo

PO Box 7684, Chicago, IL 60680


Chicago, IL

October 1, 2009

To the Consul general for the Government of Brazil in Chicago

Honorable Consul,

The Chicago community members, activists, and organizations present here today would like to express our most sincere appreciation for the honorable actions of your government regarding the current crisis in Honduras. The political support of the Brazilian Government since the day of the coup, against the violations of human rights and international law, for the restoration of the constitutional 9order and the return of President Manuel Zelaya, is invaluable for our brothers and sisters in Honduras, who are in resistance to the violent and illegitimate de facto government.

We also hold in the highest regard the courageous and dignified assistance towards the resolution of the crisis of your government today as President Zelaya finds harbor in our embassy in Tegucigalpa, the Honduran capital, in spite of the threats of the usurper President Roberto Micheletti and the violence of the army and police forces sent by the golpistas against your diplomatic offices. Those inside the facilities have already suffered the effects of the tear gas and other chemicals, as well as other weapons including high frequency noise and cutting the water and electricity. We wish to strongly denounce this aggression against Brazil and against the Honduran people.

We thank you and we are sure the people of Honduras will always remember your help during these dark days. Your help is not only already a historical event but also an example to all the world leaders today.

Please share this letter with your government and with the Brazilian people.


Signed by representatives of La Voz de los de Abajo; Casa Morazan, Chicago Religious Leadership Network for Latin America, Neighbors for Peace, ChicagOtra, and other community members.